Does Exfoliating Cause Acne?

A smiling woman with exfoliating scrub on her face

Exfoliation is often touted as the best way to give your face a deep clean—and for good reason! Using luxurious scrubs and exfoliants help detoxify your skin by removing dead cells that can lead to rough, dry, and dull patches. The result? A refreshed, radiant, and super healthy glow.

If you notice a breakout after a good scrub, you might wonder if exfoliating could be causing your acne. Is this skincare step trulythe culprit, or is there more to the story? Let's dive deep into this question and uncover the truth about exfoliation and breakouts.

What is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation means sloughing off dead skin cells from the outermost layer of your skin. This process boosts skin cell turnover, revealing new, healthy, glowing skin waiting underneath. It’s also amazing for getting rid of rough skin textures and hyperpigmentation.

There are two kinds of exfoliators. The first is physical exfoliators, which use grainy  ingredients to manually scrub off dead cells on the skin. These include facial scrubs with scouring ingredients and tools with textured surfaces to mechanically eliminate dead skin.

The Pili Ani Deep Detox Volcanic Exfoliating Mask is an excellent example of a physical exfoliator. It’s made with volcanic clays and bamboo charcoal to help thoroughly slough off dead skin and reveal brighter, more rejuvenated skin.

The second kind of exfoliator is chemical exfoliants, or products that use actives and enzymes to loosen dead skin cells, ultimately dissolving and washing them away. These exfoliants include alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), beta hydroxy acids (BHA), and salicylic acid.

Both kinds of exfoliators are effective at getting rid of stubborn dead skin. The key is to find what works best for your unique skin type and needs. Remember, the right exfoliator will leave your skin feeling refreshed, not irritated.

Does Exfoliating Cause Acne?

Exfoliating shouldn’t cause acne. On the contrary, exfoliation may even help prevent acne, since it washes away dirt, grime, and dead skin that can clog your pores in the long run. If you exfoliate properly and your skin responds well to your chosen exfoliator, whether it's a physical scrub or a chemical exfoliant, you should be able to enjoy all the benefits without worrying about breakouts.

Why Your Skin Breaks Out After Exfoliating

Although exfoliation doesn’t directly cause pimples, some people experience breakouts after exfoliating, especially if it’s their first time trying it out. 

Purging after using a new chemical exfoliant

If you’re exfoliating for the first time, your skin might go through what is called a “purging” stage. This happens as the new exfoliant sloughs off dead skin cells, bringing impurities and clogged pores to the surface. These impurities, previously hidden beneath dull skin layers, can cause breakouts as they emerge.

But how do you distinguish purging vs breakouts from acne? The difference lies in the cause. Purging isn't a direct reaction to the exfoliant itself; rather, it's a sign that the product is working to accelerate cell turnover. The pimples that appear during purging are impurities that would have stayed in your skin longer but are now being brought to the surface and cleared out by the exfoliant.

Purging is a positive sign that your skin is detoxifying and shedding those congested bumps for good. It's essential to the process, leading to clearer, healthier skin in the long run. 

Excess sebum production due to over-exfoliation

Yes, there is such a thing as over-exfoliation! If you exfoliate too much, you might dry out your skin and strip away its natural oils. When that happens, your skin will naturally try to compensate for the dehydration by producing more sebum. This makes your face shinier and oilier, which can lead to more congestion and, you guessed it, pimples.

Exfoliating your skin too frequently might also cause inflammation and redness to your complexion. That could be a sign that you’re rubbing your skin raw! This damages your skin barrier and can lead to breakouts later on.

One way to manage breakouts and redness is to slowly introduce new exfoliants into your skincare routine. Start by using these scrubs once a week. Let your skin get used to them before increasing the frequency of use.

Your skin is sensitive to one of the ingredients in your exfoliator

Another reason you might break out after exfoliating is that your scrub contains an ingredient your skin finds irritating. This can be anything from artificial fragrances and alcohol to highly concentrated acids your sensitive skin is reacting to. 

You’re not practicing good hygiene when exfoliating

Good hygiene is a must when you do anything skincare-related, but it’s especially important when exfoliating. If you’re using an exfoliating tool like a washcloth or a Konjac sponge, make sure it’s squeaky clean before it touches your skin. A less-than-pristine tool can introduce bacteria and dirt, potentially leading to breakouts. Always cleanse and dry your tools thoroughly after each use.

It's also crucial to thoroughly rinse any scrub or exfoliant from your skin. Leaving even a trace of product can lead to clogged pores, setting the stage for those pesky pimples. Be gentle yet thorough in your rinsing process to ensure your skin is completely free of any residue, allowing it to breathe and remain clear. 

Tips for Preventing Over-Exfoliation and Breakouts

  • Exfoliate only 1-3 times a week.
  • Choose gentle scrubs infused with hydrating, soothing ingredients so as not to irritate your skin.
  • Rinse your scrub off thoroughly before moving on to the next step of your routine.
  • After exfoliating, always follow up with a moisturizer to calm your skin.
  • Patch test products on your arm to see if you’ll have an adverse reaction to it before you put it on your face.

So, does exfoliating cause acne? Not inherently. But you might see a breakout or two if your skin purges as a reaction to a scrub, or if you’ve been over-exfoliating. You might also be reacting badly to an ingredient in your exfoliator or simply aren’t practicing proper hygiene as you use your scrub. 

To make the most of exfoliating, make sure you're doing it right. Choose the right exfoliator for your skin type, use clean tools, and avoid overdoing it. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of smoother, clearer skin without unwanted breakouts. For more skincare tips and advice, stay tuned to the Pili Ani blog.